Frequently Asked Questions

To view answers, click the headings below:

+ What is nailKALM®?

nailKALM® is a highly efficacious non-toxic antifungal dermaceutical cream, clinically proven to overcome fungal infections, helps protect the skin to reduce the risk of reinfection. (REF 1,2 below)

(Note: our clinical evidence is mainly to remove the fungus but NOT prevent infection)

+ What is nailKALM® made from?

nailKALM® is made from an active, patented ingredient called AMYCOT® which is derived from a powerful natural ingredient derived from Arthrospira maxima (Spirulina), a naturally occurring cyanobacterium or microalgae. The bio-source of this product has its origin in one of the earliest forms of plant life on our planet earth and has been used as a food source for centuries. (REF 3 below)

+ How does AMYCOT® work?

The antifungal activity of AMYCOT® is due to a putative enzymatic action that destroys the chitin/chitosan polymers found in the fungal cell wall. Damage to the polymers causes the fungal walls to collapse, eventually killing the fungus (fungicidal). AMYCOT also has other components that reduces inflammation and promotes skin and nail growth. (REF 3 below)

+ How long do I have to use nailKALM® before I can see the results?

Clinical trials have confirmed that results occur in 90 days where the fungi are eliminated (REF 1,2 below). We suggest following this duration for your treatment.

However, depending on the severity of the infection it can take much longer. One should also note that even if the fungi are eliminated the appearance of the nail may take a while to change back to normal since it takes time to grow a new nail and varies from person to person.

+ How much nailKALM® do I need to treat my nail fungus?

Usually, you will need 1-2 bottles to treat an infection, depending on the severity of the particular case.

+ Will my fungal nail infection eventually go away on its own?

Fungal infections of the fingernails or toenails will never go away on their own. (REF 4 below).

+ How can I diagnose Onychomycosis (fungal nail infection)?

Since Onychomycosis has specific characteristic features, the initial diagnosis is made by a visual examination of your nails. However, some nails which might appear to be a fungal nail infection are not and will not be treated. Confirmation of fungal infection is best done by a podiatrist or dermatologist to determine presence of fungal infection. (REF 4 below).

+ What are the risks of leaving my infected nails as they are?

If not treated, a fungal infection is likely to get worse and spread to other parts of the nail, the nail bed, and possibly the surrounding skin.

Over time, the whole nail may become infected and damaged and may eventually fall out. Untreated fungal infections have been associated with chronic diseases and can develop complications such as foot ulcers in diabetics (REF 4 below).

+ Can I use nailKALM® if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Although there have been no specific trials with pregnant or breast-feeding mothers to date, during our clinical trials there have been no reported toxicity in humans whatsoever whilst using nailKALM (REF 1,2 below). Consult your doctor before use if you have any queries. The bio-active ingredient used in nailKALM® (AMYCOT®) is natural and made from organically-certified Spirulina, a micro-organism, which is a popular health food and has been consumed for centuries. (REF 3 below).

+ Can I use nailKALM® if I have diabetes?

Although there have been no specific trials with people with diabetes to date, during our clinical trials there have been no reported toxicity in humans whatsoever whilst using nailKALM (REF 1,2 below). Consult your doctor before use if you have any queries. The bio-active ingredient used in nailKALM® (AMYCOT®) is natural and made from organically-certified Spirulina, a micro-organism, which is a popular health food and has been consumed for centuries. (REF 3 below).


  1. Parekh M et al. (2017) A pilot single centre, double blind, placebo controlled, randomized, parallel study of Calmagen® dermaceutical cream and lotion for the topical treatment of tinea and onychomycosis. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17:464. DOI 10.1186/s12906-017-1970-2

  2. Freeman AM and Freeman MG. (2011) nailKALM® (Arthrospira maxima) for the treatment of dermatophyte nail infections. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 52 Suppl 1: 25

  3. Ilag LL (2018) AMYCOT®,a Novel Natural Treatment for Ringworm and other Tinea Infections. Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research 6(1):1114

  4. Westerberg DP and Voyack MJ (2013) Onychomycosis: Current Trends in Diagnosis and Treatment. American Family Phyiscian 88(11):762-770

When you know nailKALM® is non toxic, even your feet can smile